Monday, August 23, 2010

Credit Score Misconceptions...

Having a great credit score can help you with more than just buying a home or a car...did you know that? Some insurance companies base what they charge off of a credit score...unfair maybe but it happens.
Here are a few misconceptions people have about their credit scores and what affects them:
Misconception 1: I am caught up now so paying late didn't hurt my credit score....wrong! Recent late payments are like poison for a credit score...keep that in mind.
Misconception 2: It's all about the dollar amount late that matters....wrong! Being late with $5 dollars will hurt your credit score the same as being late with $1000. Debt ratios and recency matters...always pay your bills on time every time.
Misconception 3: Help your credit score by closing credit card accounts...wrong. Canceling a card by ending what could be a good history and available credit...keep them open and current...practice restraint.
In tough economic times we have a tendency of putting more on credit cards rather than pay cash...try and stay on a budget and if your income is tight remember this while you are shopping "If I don't need it and I can't eat it, I can't have it!"
For more information or a free San Antonio home search go to

Thursday, August 19, 2010

FHA Lending to Change on September 7, 2010

Money changes are coming with FHA financing September 7....good and bad...
The upfront mortgage fees which increases the amount of money a buyer may have to bring to the closing table will drop from 2.25% to 1% so that's good...
MI is going to increase from .55% to between .85 and .90% depending on loan to value ratio. This will increase any FHA buyer's monthly payment...for example on a $175K home the payment would increase by $31 each month.
Interest rates are phenomenal at this moment so give it some thought to be under contract on a home before 9/7/2010....
For more information or a free San Antonio home search go to

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Build Your Dream Home in Vintage Oaks...1526 Vintage Way

This beautiful 1.54 acre lot is a steal at $68K which is less than originally paid for...level clear area in the front and beautifully wooded for privacy in the back. Vintage Oaks is an upscale Hill Country neighborhood with a classy mediteranean club house and large relaxing pools...and a lazy river. Enjoy the stars at night and perhaps a beverage from a nearby vineyard. For more info go to

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

You and Your Home can be More Eco-Friendly

Everyone should make an effort to reduce their carbon footprint here in San Antonio...better for the environment and your pocketbook!
1. Use less water-turn the water off while brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, only run
full loads in the dishwasher and for laundry, buy from sustainable producers that pollute and
use less.
2. Use less energy-plan your errands for less driving, buy energy efficient appliances that use
less energy, unplug chargers when not in use(they continue to use power even when not
charging something), put TV's and other electronics on a power strip and turn that off when
not in use (these items use energy even when they are not on), walk or ride a bicycle on
short trips when possible, buy local...takes less energy for transportation.
3. Reuse-be creative here, old food jars can be used for all kinds of storage, paper towel and
toilet paper holders can be used to sow seeds in the garden and yogurt containers can be cut
and used as labels in the garden...just be creative.
4. Environmentally safe products- buying "natural" cleaning products doesn't always mean
they are natural or safe. Try making cleaners yourself. Did you know that Vinegar makes
a great cleaner and disinfectant for glass and other surfaces? Add some baking soda and
remove a stain or two.
Get the whole family involved and make it fun...while saving the environment and some bucks!
For more information or a free San Antonio home search go to

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tips for Decorating a Small Space

Small spaces can make big impressions with the right furniture pieces, accessories, and color splashes.
Lighting is extremely important. Blinds are too heavy for small spaces so frame the window with the right curtains or border and it never hurts to add lighting from a lamp.
Colors are best to kept to bright and light. Dark colors can absorb the light and make a space seem even smaller...go for rich color splashes or for more depth and breadth in the space use colors from similar hues...a little cohesion in the colors are very interesting.
Storage is always key for small spaces so dual purposed furniture or accessories. Keep clutter to a minimum and using glass, mirrors, or lucite can make a room appear less full.
Don't forget to keep the furniture to scale for the space...small to moderate.
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