Thursday, September 30, 2010

Be a Competitive Home Buyer!

It is still a buyer's market here in San Antonio but it is smart to be a competitive buyer no matter what the market. You never know when there will be multiple offers on any home for sale.
NUMBER 1...get pre-approved before you begin shopping. This will let you know what price tag you should be shopping for but also proves to any seller that you are ready, willing and able to purchase a home. I rarely submit an offer to a seller without submitting a letter from my buyer's lender....most sellers are reluctant to accept any offer without one.
2. Know what your budget is. Just because you are approved for $300K doesn't mean you should purchase that much house. You need to know how much mortgage payment your budget will allow for with a little extra to eat out now and then.
3. Make a strong offer. Your Realtor can help you with this. If bringing less money to the closing table is most important to you then perhaps you shouldn't slice the home's price tag too much and ask the seller to pay more of your closing costs....perhaps the closing date is more important to the seller so give there to get somewhere else.
4. Be or have a good negotiator to help you. There are many moving pieces to an offer... price, close date, closing costs, home warranty, repairs, option never hurts to know what is important to each party and negotiate the terms to be a good fit for buyer and seller.
5. Be ready to buy....many Realtors have sad stories about the perfect house that got away because someone took too long to think it over.
For more information or a free San Antonio Home search go to

Saturday, September 25, 2010

203K StreamLine Loans for Buying a Fixer Upper Home

Did you know that 80% of homes today are at least 20 years old and could probably use some updating? Have you or someone you know thought of getting this kind of fixer upper in a revitalizing neighborhood but wouldn't have the cash after closing to start the remodel?
A 203K Streamline loan is the product that would allow you as a buyer to roll those remodel expenses right into the note! The 203K is an FHA product and the Streamline portion is meant for homes that don't need structural work...just paint, carpeting, appliances, counter tops or basically aesthetic goodies up to $35K. The bank actually becomes in charge of making sure that the contractors are all FHA approved (so they don't run away with the $) and the remodel time line is followed and not to exceed 4-6 months. Not every lender is willing to take on this responsibility or do this type of loan.
This product is meant for home buyers that intend to occupy the home...not investors.
The intention is to revitalize many of our older neighborhoods and get them healthy again...great idea!
For more information on this loan product and qualified lenders to help you through a wonderful adventure such as this in the San Antonio area go to or 210-883-4399 cell.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Picking the Right Home for You to Purchase

Everyone wants to pick the right house when they are house one wants buyer's remorse 2 weeks to 6 months after you move in.
Here are some tips to follow when you begin your home search:
1. Find a good Realtor. You want one that can point things out you might miss as well as help with values and what you should offer.
2. Know what your budget is so you can pick the neighborhood that makes you feel warm and fuzzy AND fits the wallet.
3. Know what type home will make you happy for the next 7 years or so...will it be a one story or a two many bedrooms and baths do you think you need, how much yard do you want to enjoy and take care of. Are you looking for new or a fixer upper?
4. Pay attention to the location of the homes that interest you. Are there busy streets in front/behind or in close proximity that you might find annoying in the near future or hurt your resale ability. Are power lines too close for your comfort, does drainage/flooding look like it could be an issue?
5. Be ready to make an offer when you have found the right home....if the home gives you a hug and meets most of the resale and need criteria you should make a strong compelling offer before anyone else buys it out from under you. I have seen it happen in all kinds of markets.
For more information or a free San Antonio Home search go to

Saturday, September 18, 2010

8 Top Reasons for You to Buy a Home Now

The media is all over the board when it comes to homeownership and buying a home in this market. Best time to buy....don't buy now....blah blah blah...
Here is my ten eight reason's to buy a home right now...and some of these reasons are timeless.
1. Current home prices are still great...good time to save money. It's still a buyer's market which makes it easier/acceptable to play hardball. Don't try and catch the bottom of the market. No one knows where the bottom is till the market goes up and anywhere in this market will be great for the long haul.
2. Interest rates are at historic lows! I don't have a crystal ball but they just can't stay this low forever. The lower the rate, the more house you can buy for the same payment.
3. Uncle Sam Tax Break. If you itemize your taxes, you can deduct your mortgage interest and your property taxes every year. You don't get that opportunity when you rent!
4. It's your will be able to do whatever you want in your new home...paint or move your walls as you wish!
5. Investment for your future. Buying a home is not a get rich quick solution. At least you will be putting your money in a vessel you can sell when you wish.
6. Can be cheaper than renting. In some markets, the payment on a home you will own can be less expensive than renting a home/apartment of a lesser quality and space.
7. Large Home inventory for better choices....relocations, foreclosures, and lots of unsold human preowned.
8. Markets are cyclical and this one will change too eventually....the glut will disappear and the interest rates will go up....we just don't know when.
For more information or a free San Antonio home search go to