Friday, April 9, 2010

Do You Need a Realtor to Get You Through Your Next Home Purchase?

With the expansion of the internet, 80% of home buyers are beginning their home search online. I am more concerned with placing my listings into internet syndication way before I think of paper advertising. Having said that, many buyers are locating the perfect house on line.
So what do you need the representation of your own Realtor for? The listing agent is usually more than happy to show you a home in hopes that you like this one....
Did you know that the listing agent only represents the seller of that home and their job is get the best highest price for that home. They are able to help you write an offer for their listing but their fiduciary responsibility is a bit opposite of your personal goal to get your dream home at the best price for you!
How will you know if the price you are offering is good deal? Will that agent tell you everything that would be in YOUR best interest in terms of the option period, asking the seller to pay for title, survey, some of your closing costs....Same goes for new construction homes, will you know all the right questions to ask the sales person so you don't miss any perks that could be available to you?
Finding the right home is truly just a small portion of what a great Buyer's Agent does. The real beginning is finding out what the home is worth, how to structure the offer to benefit the buyer financially, getting through the inspection and appraisal and coordinating the close of the home.
For more information on how to find a great Realtor to represent you through the buying process go to ....Free San Antonio home search is there as well.

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