Saturday, January 30, 2010

Buying A Smaller Home in San Antonio

The average home size purchased in 2009 fell from 2520 to 2480.
Owning a smaller home can definitely have it's upside...or should I say downsizing of expenses. Smaller homes use less energy to heat and cool, more likely to have lower property taxes, and consumes way less personal energy to clean and decorate.
Downsizing is a great opportunity to clean out the clutter and rid yourself and home of unused extra "stuff". Do not avoid this golden opportunity by getting a storage shed...who needs to waste precious hard earned income on storing this extra unused stuff!
This "buyer's market" moment in time is the time pounce on getting that home you have been dreaming of...and don't forget to take advantage of the 8K tax credit if you are a first time home buyer or the $6500 tax credit extended to current home owners that have owned their current home for at least 5 yrs.
For more information on the tax credit or the current real estate market conditions... or a free San Antonio home search go to

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